ULEZ Expansion
London's Ultra Low Emission Zone is changing - here's what you need to know.
Air pollution causes lifelong conditions including underdeveloped lungs and asthma. And isn’t just a problem in central London: many areas across the city still exceed the legal pollution limits. That’s why from 25 October 2021, the central London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is expanding up to the North Circular Road (A406) and South Circular Road (A205). The North and South Circulars themselves are not in the zone. Cars – and motorcycles, vans and some other specialist vehicles and minibuses – will need to meet the required ULEZ emissions standards when driving within and into the expanded zone – or else pay a £12.50 daily charge. The ULEZ will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends (except Christmas day). Although Brent Cross itself is outside the expanded ULEZ, the new rules will affect staff who drive to work there from inside the expanded zone, as well as customers in the same position. Four out of five cars driven in the expanded zone already meet the ULEZ emissions standards, but owners of some older vehicles need to take action.
You can check that your vehicle meets the ULEZ emissions standards and see an interactive map of the zone at tfl.gov.uk/ulez-2021